Onderwatertechnologie en het gebruik van polymeer schroeven, moeren, bouten en bevestigingsmiddelen

Collectie: Onderwatertechnologie en het gebruik van polymeer schroeven, moeren, bouten en bevestigingsmiddelen

How are polymer fasteners suited to the subsea sector?

Polymer fasteners are well-suited to the subsea sector because they are inherently resistant to corrosion, which is a significant challenge in underwater environments. Unlike metal fasteners, which can corrode rapidly when exposed to saltwater and marine conditions, polymers maintain their integrity over extended periods. They are used to secure components in subsea equipment, such as ROVs (Remotely Operated Vehicles), underwater sensors, and pipelines, where exposure to high pressures and corrosive seawater is constant. Additionally, polymer fasteners are lightweight, reducing the overall weight of subsea structures and improving buoyancy, which is crucial for manoeuvrability and deployment in deep-sea operations.


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Which polymer fasteners are best suited to the subsea sector?

PEEK and PTFE fasteners are among the best-suited polymers for the subsea sector due to their superior mechanical properties and chemical resistance. PEEK fasteners offer exceptional strength and can endure the high-pressure environments found at great ocean depths. They also resist the corrosive effects of saltwater and chemicals used in subsea applications, making them ideal for securing critical components in underwater equipment. PTFE fasteners are valued for their excellent chemical resistance and low friction properties. They are often used in applications where fasteners come into contact with moving parts or aggressive fluids, providing durability and reliability in the harsh subsea environment.

Why are polymer materials well suited to the subsea industry?

Polymer materials are well-suited to the subsea industry due to their ability to resist corrosion, chemical exposure, and the mechanical stresses of underwater environments. They do not rust or degrade in saltwater, unlike metal fasteners, which ensures the long-term functionality of subsea equipment. Polymers like PEEK and PTFE can also withstand extreme pressure and temperature fluctuations encountered at various ocean depths, maintaining their structural integrity and performance. Their lightweight nature contributes to easier deployment and manoeuvrability of subsea equipment, while their non-conductive properties prevent electrical interference in sensitive electronic systems used in underwater exploration and monitoring.

De onderzeese sector, die industrieën zoals offshore olie en gas, hernieuwbare energie (zoals windmolenparken) en diepzee-exploratie omvat, werkt in extreme onderwateromgevingen die robuuste en corrosiebestendige materialen vereisen. Bevestigingsmiddelen van polymeer worden op dit gebied steeds belangrijker vanwege hun lichtgewicht eigenschappen, hoge weerstand tegen corrosie en het vermogen om hoge druk en zware omstandigheden te weerstaan. In tegenstelling tot traditionele metalen bevestigingsmiddelen zijn polymeren, met name geavanceerde technische kunststoffen zoals PEEK (Polyetheretherketone), niet-geleidend, waardoor het risico van galvanische corrosie afneemt wanneer ze samen met andere materialen worden gebruikt. Het gebruik ervan helpt de levensduur en prestaties van onderwaterinfrastructuur te verbeteren en de onderhoudskosten te verlagen.